Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fiction and Non-Fiction

We really enjoyed reading Bear Snores On during Shared Reading last week.  To supplement this big book, we checked out a slew of different bear books from the library.  There were all kinds of books to choose from, and the students enjoying exploring them all.

After reading and comparing two different bear books, the students quickly realized that the books were very different.  While one was a funny story called The Valentine Bears, the other was full of interesting information about what bears eat, and where they live.

This led us to discuss the difference between fiction and non-fictions books.  The students decided that fiction books are:  make-believe, pretend and not true.  They decided that non-fiction books are:  real, true and full of facts.

As a group, the students worked to sort all the different bear books into two groups, fiction and non-fiction.

The students did a great job sorting all the books...

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