Sunday, November 14, 2010

Play Dough & Fine Motor Control

Helping your child to improve their fine motor control is as easy as making a batch of (or purchasing some) play dough, and allowing them to play with the dough.  Your child will develop strength in their finger and wrist muscles simply by rolling, shaping and pinching the play dough.  These muscles are the same muscles your child uses when printing and colouring.  This is a fantastic way for your child to improve their printing skills - without picking up a pencil! 

Playing with play dough is an open ended activity.  This will allow your child to play, and experiment along the way.  Take the opportunity to engage in conversation while your child is creating.  Working together is a great way to engage in an authentic, oral language activity.

If you are interested in making a batch of play dough, have your child help you make it.  Not only will your child enjoy helping you, but this is a great opportunity to explore various math concepts (counting, measuring) and use directional language ("First we need to get out the ingredients.  Next...  Then...).

Mrs. Freeman's Fantastic Play Dough Recipe

1 cup white flour
1/2 cup table salt
1 table spoon cream of tartar
1 cup water
1 package of dry Kool Aid (will colour and scent the dough)

** You can double or triple the recipe depending on how much play dough you would like to have.

Add all ingredients together in a large bowl and stir. Slowly add in additional flour until the dough is firm enough to knead. Knead the ingredients together and slowly add in more flour until desired stickiness is reached. Play dough should be firm enough to hold a shape and not stick to fingers.  Store in an air tight container.

SPECIAL THANKS to Mrs. McLennan for sharing her play dough recipe with us!  Thank you! :o)

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